Personalized Wine Consultation, Curation & Education
The right wine, at the right time, for the right price
Perlage (purr-lahj), the effervescence of sparkling wine: the chains of bubbles that ascend from the bottom of the glass to the surface of the wine.
Dosage (doe-zahj), the measured (dose) amount of liqueur de tirage, a mixture of reserved still dry wine with cane sugar, added to sparkling wine.
Remuage (reh-mu-ahj), the process of turning or shaking the bottle to let the yeast lees move to the neck of the bottle for removal (also known as Riddling).
Just as Champagne has a unique vocabulary, each individual has a unique taste and approach to the enjoyment of wine. Our goal at Perlage is to help you define and attain your own unique wine goals.

The purpose of Perlage is to demystify the process of buying and drinking the wonderful beverage, wine. Whereas many wine retailers will sell wine based on their margins or on reviewers’ scores, label recognition factor or price, Perlage is committed to focusing on you and your palate – all we care about is if you enjoy the wine
you drink , not how much you spend on it.
Click below to learn more about what we can do together!
Beyond our regular services, we can help you decipher wine in even greater detail. Just as correctly identifying a wine in a blind tasting isn't guesswork - it's deduction based on knowledge - buying wine shouldn't be guesswork either. Identifying which wines you will likely enjoy before you open the bottle can also be done with deduction. It's a matter of learning a bit more about the characteristics and styles of wine and how to define your own preferences. For example, do you prefer Cabernet Sauvignon from Rutherford in Napa Valley, Sonoma's Alexander Valley, or France's Bordeaux region? Perlage can help you increase your wine knowledge so you can enjoy every bottle!

Wine is unique: it can be magical – enhancing meals, conversations and even lifestyle. It can also be a simple pleasure to enjoy at the end of the day. After all, it’s really just grape juice! Part of why I began Perlage was to demystify the process of buying and drinking this wonderful beverage – Just as correctly identifying a wine in a blind tasting isn't guesswork - it's deduction based on knowledge - buying wine shouldn't be guesswork either. Identifying which wines you will likely enjoy before you open the bottle can also be done with deduction. It's a matter of learning a bit more about the characteristics and styles of wine and how to define your own preferences.

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